Monday, November 8, 2010

The Shining

The story THE SHINING takes places in a haunted hotel room in Colorado back in 1977. There have been several incident or unexplainable deaths in the hotel itself in which it makes the hotel filled with lost entities roaming around they last place they were in. I haven’t been in a haunted place as such but, I have been to recreational haunted places such as haunted house which would sort of simulate what it is like being somewhere haunted. It was pretty cool because it shared many similarities such as unknown footsteps, whispers, bangs, knocks people lightly touching you and even shadows. Although it isn’t real, it still revolves around real situations people go through.
In my opinion, I think the author Stephan King wrote this book to let the reader and everyone else know that there are supernatural or spirits that live all among us. Rather if there good or bad, they are still here and we should acknowledge it. I don’t think people would lie or make up stories about ghost and even if they did many people share stories that are quite similar and that is not a coincident when you have several hundred of the same stories about supernatural events. In order to write this book I think they author had to know the hotels history. When it was first built and what might have happened in the hotel to make it haunted until this very day in detail. He probably had to go to the hotel itself and see what they’re talking about personally in order to write the book out of his own perspective and get into better detail.
The one thing a like about THE SHINING is that, the hotel pretty much interacts with the character. The ghost controls the hotel basically and they use their energy to manipulate the characters into doing what they want to do. That is a great way to create suspense because being possessed is unpredictable and since the person is not controlling themselves you’re not going to know what is going to happen and that’s a great thing that Stephan King brought into this book.
The Shining was one of the inspirations of a T.V series called Ghost Adventures. The ghost expert actually went to the hotel in Colorado that Stephan King based his book about and the guys did a lock down in the hotel for 24 hours straight with know where to go out to see the type of activities that took place. There were four major haunted rooms in the hotel where deaths had occur and each of the crew members slept in the room hoping for paranormal activity to happen. The Shining is what made them want to begin this adventure to begin with.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Scary or Not?

After watching the first exorcist movie and being asked if it was still scary, my answer is no. The reason why I say no is because it was really build with any suspense. Don’t get me wrong, there were some scary scenes but not enough to make the movie overall, scary. One thing that didn’t make the movie scary for me was the script language. When the devil curses and everyone, it made it the movie funnier than scary because it didn’t make the devil seem scary and dominate as it’s portrayed to be. I couldn’t take the character serious when doing so, especially when it does awkward action such as getting up and tell the priest to, “ F*** her”. Pretty weird. Another reason why I don’t think it as scary anymore like it was in the past is now our technology is so advanced that all the scary movies that come out now are beyond impressive and these new movies make The Exorcist look like a comedy movie.
In order to have mad that movie scarier, there should have been more supernatural things to happen to people. For example more ghostly encounters or weird things happening like openings of windows or whispers when no one’s around and things like that. They should have made the possessed child more physical and dangerous to deal with.  All they did in the move was talk to it most of the time. The exorcism that took place was plain and boring. All she did was squirm around in the bed back and forth. That’s nowhere near being scary. For being the devil, it didn’t do anything to show its powers. In my opinion if you have an encounter with the devil I know for a fact it will not be pleasant. The movie made it seem as if he was weak and couldn’t do anything. I didn’t really like it. It just wasn’t scary enough for me. The thing that scared me was the thought of that happening to real people in real life. The movie shows a little bit of how people get possessed and it scared me that it can happen to anyone. The fact of that being true was the only thing that made that movie scary, but if I were to put myself in the position of being in the 1700’s and not seeing the technologic movies that we have today, then I would have thought The Exorcist would have been scary because of the visual effects and the fact that is something new that a movie hasn’t tried. Since a live in a new generation it wasn’t nearly as scary as the movies I’ve seen

Monday, November 1, 2010

Supernatural Entities

I have always believed in the super natural. Most events that occur in human life that seem rather, bizarre, can only be considered supernatural. I had a friend who said she say a creepy man standing in her living room one minute and when she looked back he was gone. And a few other people have told me similar stories about seeing ghosts.

I don’t really believe in witches or vampires or anything, im not crazy! But I’m sure how I feel about spirits in which there real. There are so many things that happen in this world without a "logical" explanation what else could it be? A ghost or spirits! Many people in the world have claimed to see things that aren’t really there, or here footsteps when there alone. Honesty what other explanation can there be for that. Some people say that’s just hallucination but how can that be? You’re not going to hallucinate every time you see something weird. You normally hallucinate when on drugs, medication or dehydrated, so what if you’re none of the above? Then what’s the next excuse.
I remember when I was about 11 or 12 I would be home alone on a normal occasion and I came home one day and I took a shower with hot water so the bathroom got really steamy. Let me just remind you again I was home alone, so after I get out of the shower I look at the mirror cause the steam gets on the mirror and makes it blurry and I seen scratch mark all across the mirror and I got freaked out because I was trying to figure out how that can happen but from then on a have always believed in the supernatural.
One of the most frightening moments in way I believed the supernatural is what happened to my brother. My brother was having a nightmare and be chased a demonic figure and he was telling me that in his dream he fell over a ditch and as he was falling the figure had scratched him as he fell. When he woke up he got really scared and went to wash his face but then later on he was telling me his ribs felt like they were burning and when he lifted his shirt up he had three scratch marks by his ribs and we were beyond freaked out and whenever something weird happens around me I just assume it’s the super natural because whether people believe it or not its real.